How To Discover Your Destiny (Shocking Reveal!)

Why You’re Here On This Earth (Shocking Truth!)

Do you wish to learn your life purpose or destiny? This article will teach you the truth behind this.

You’ll also learn the following:

  • Hindrances to discovering your destiny
  • Steps you can take to find out your purpose
  • Why wealth will follow once you practice your passion

Ready to begin? Let’s go!

A Human Being’s Destiny On Earth

A human being’s life purpose is uniquely chosen before birth and this can be revealed through introspection and recognition of natural traits. Joy is another main reason for their existence, as with all life forms.

Why Joy Is The Primary Purpose Of Life

Why Happiness Is The Primary Purpose Of Life

Before we talk about the specific reason why you’re here on earth, let’s first define the overall purpose of life: joy.

This is not only a reason for being, it is also a natural state of all life.

All life forms are an extension of the original source, with properties that include:

  • Joy
  • Life
  • Love

Your natural tendency is to experience joy.

But then, there is more to it.

As an individual life form, you have a unique purpose.

This is separate from your goals.

You need to know what your purpose is and hold it high every single day.

Doing so will allow you to move fast in the right direction for your life.

You’ll also have a great time while you do this.

Here’s The Truth: You Chose Your Destiny

Here’s The Truth: You Chose Your Destiny

Now let us go into detail about your unique purpose as an individual.

I’ll let you in on a secret:

Did you know that you actually chose to come here on earth?

Your purpose is connected to that.

Consider this suggestion:

You have free will.

When did this free will start?

Some people think it starts after birth.

They believe that they did not have a choice whether or not to be born.

Moreover, they think that it’s only when they’re here on earth that they are able to make choices.

On the other hand, there are those that believe that your free will is eternal and that it starts even before birth.

That is not such a strange idea.

Here’s why:

Your soul is eternal.

Your eyes tell you that life starts when one is born, but something deeper tells you that this may not be the real beginning.

Purpose or destiny is what you, your self or soul, chose to come do on earth.

It is a choice based on its set of attributes and wishes.

Additionally, the circumstances and location you were born in are perfect for you to collect the necessary “tools” to fulfill your chosen purpose.

That is why your destiny feels so good once you find it.

This is also the reason it gives you so much joy doing it

That’s because you chose it a long time ago.

It is what you came here to do.

How To Discover Your Life Purpose

How To Discover Your Life Purpose

You’re now aware that your destiny is something that you have chosen before birth.

What you need to learn next is how exactly you can figure this out.

Unfortunately, so many people do not fulfill their purpose, largely because of the way our society and education are structured.

Yet, you can easily fulfill yours if you are determined to do so.

You first find your purpose by spending some quiet time thinking about what makes you feel so good, what you have so much passion for.

Do not think of job descriptions or careers.

Drop all those labels society has taught you to believe in.

They are the number one reason why people do not find their purpose.

Just ask yourself, “What makes me so happy doing?”

It could be spending time with butterflies, flying around the world making deals, cooking fancy food, speaking to people, or anything else.

Once you do that, envision it, intend, and make goals towards it.

You need to move to a point where you will be working, as a career, in your discovered purpose.

For example, let us imagine that your purpose is studying butterflies and you are now working unhappily in an unrelated job.

Do not despair.

Start getting books and finding people in the butterfly field.

Find out all you can.

Then start making goals and choices that will eventually take you out into a position that is butterfly-related.

Do not think about money and all the other little worries you may start having – they will sort themselves out as long as you do not worry. 

You will be very happy and successful once you work within your purpose, the destiny that you’ve chosen before coming on earth.

Your self-satisfaction will also rise and you will be making an optimal contribution to the world at large.

Your special talent is usually your purpose.

It could be what gives you the most joy.

It may also be something you always felt, especially as a child, that you could do very well.

Children often know their purpose, but as they grow up, society and the education system confuse them.

In fact, it cannot be in something that does not give you joy and satisfaction.

Find it, then live your life by your destiny, and wealth will come to you a lot easier.

Moreover, when you are working within your purpose, work becomes a pleasure.

You are also not restricted to just one.

You are a multidimensional being.


It is my desire that after reading this post, you now understand more about your earthly existence.

I wish you the best of luck in going through the journey of discovering your life purpose!

If you want more guidance regarding this subject, you can check out my course GO!LIMITLESS: Manifest Without Fail.

Moreover,  my newsletter and blog are filled with informative posts such as this one. 

I’d like to thank you for reading this article and I’ll see you in the next one!

About The Author

Picture of David Cameron Gikandi

David Cameron Gikandi

A creative consultant on The Secret (2006) documentary, David Cameron Gikandi is an entrepreneur and manifesting coach and consultant for conscious entrepreneurs, leaders, life coaches who are looking to create more impact in their lives. He also helps them decode their essence so they can bring that into their lives, businesses, tribes and societies. He is also the author of A Happy Pocket Full of Money and other publications. David is also a futurist interested in blockchain technology which he believes will have wide-ranging applications including decentralized finance (DeFi). He holds a BSc. in International Business, an MSc. in Information Technology, a Dip. in Film Production, is a Microsoft Certified Solution Developer, and a Blockchain Revolution in Financial Services Specialization from INSEAD.

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